The best song in the world right now
He's playing his guitar
He's gonna go really far
He's playing his guitar in the woods
He looked out in the woods and he saw a flying spaghetti
And what did he do
He played guitar
He played his guitar really far scared it off into the woods
Don't ask me how but he did down into the woods as I ran
And said, oh my gosh, he's playing really good
I don't know what to do
I never understood it
I'm never understood
I'm a flying spaghetti monster
I'm never understood
I'm a flying spaghetti monster
I never made it in life
I never got that far
They never liked me cause I'm spaghetti monster
He played his guitar really well and I don't know what to do
I'm going back to the pit of hell
Back to the song with that amazing solo
Spaghetti monster ran even faster after hearing it
You know what he did after that
He played an even better solo
Coming up
Let's go
Three, two, one, solo
Flying spaghetti monster