You're the unforgiving kind
I know by the way you sigh
Each time I try and make it right
You like it bloody
You're counting times
I let my body
Red the tiles
I fear I will lose my mind
Despite my all
You're stubborn and still not mine
I'll say I've been out of line
When I got angry, or I tried
What more cause could I provide
Your hands were shaking
Your tongue a knife
How could I be
So soft and silly
I'm not sure if you were right
I know I'm wrong if I can't say you're mine
Once, by chance, your mind seemed light
I approached you at the sight
Just like evening turns to night
Your cold and burning
Hands were on me
But don't you worry
It's almost nothing
The next day you caught a flight
You gave no warning
I had no clue
The empty morning
Was all but you
The tiles mock me and start to shine
Telling me you'll never be mine