The Affection Beloved Peace
In the Rahman Widad
You'll find Sakina that's Thabit
A Sakina that's Wasi'
And forever will shine through
He will calm your troubled Qalb
Like a gentle summer breeze
And show you His Sakina
Like a Maw'ida where you can rest and be free
Kalinda 21-The serenity of friendship
Lovely friendship Peace
In the friendship of the Most Gracious
You will find a constant serenity
A commanding serenity
And it will shine forever
It will calm your troubled heart
Like a gentle summer breeze
And show you its serenity
Like affection where you can rest and be free
كاليندا 21-سكينة الوداد
الود الحبيب السلام
في وداد الرحمن
ستجد سكينة ثابتة
سكينة وصية
وستشرق إلى الأبد
سيهدئ قلبك المضطرب
مثل نسيم الصيف اللطيف
ويُريك سكينته
مثل المودة حيث يمكنك الراحة والحرية
Kalinda 21-The serenity of friendship
Lovely friendship Peace
In the friendship of the Most Gracious
You will find a constant serenity
A commanding serenity
And it will shine forever
It will calm your troubled heart
Like a gentle summer breeze
And show you its serenity
Like affection where you can rest and be free