Revelation of My Gift
The Lord will give you Orev
Like a treasure from above
The Wajdi of His devotion
Like a Tefillah that forever will be
He will show you His presence
Like a Shekhinah that always abides
And give you His Orev
Like a Shalom that never fades away
Revealing My Gift
The Lord will give you Orev
Like a treasure from above
Find His devotion
Like a prayer that endures forever
He will show you His presence
Like the Shekinah that endures forever
And He will give you Orev
Like a peace that never fades
كشف عطيتي
سيعطيك الرب أوريف
مثل كنز من فوق
وجدي تفانيه
مثل صلاة تبقى إلى الأبد
سيظهر لك حضوره
مثل الشكينة التي تبقى إلى الأبد
ويعطيك أوريفه
مثل سلام لا يتلاشى أبدًا
Revealing My Gift
The Lord will give you Orev
Like a treasure from above
Find His devotion
Like a prayer that endures forever
He will show you His presence
Like the Shekinah that endures forever
And He will give you Orev
Like a peace that never fades