Majesty, Purity
The Rahman will give you
With a Sulta that's pure and strong
The Azka of His authority
Like a Tahara that forever will belong
He will cleanse you from the impurities of your own fears
And doubts
And show you the Sultat
Of His purity that forever appears
The Most Gracious will grant you
A pure and powerful authority
Remembrance of His authority
Such purity that will remain yours forever
He will cleanse you of the impurities of your fears
And doubts
And show you authority
Of His purity that will appear forever
كاليندا -32 - سلطانة أزكا الجلالة والنقاء
سوف يمنحك الرحمن سلطانًا نقيًا وقويًا
أذكارا لسلطانه، مثل الطهارة التي ستظل ملكًا لك إلى الأبد
سوف يطهرك من شوائب مخاوفك وشكوكك
ويريك سلطانًا، من نقائه الذي يظهر إلى الأبد
The Most Gracious will grant you
A pure and powerful authority
Remembrance of His authority
Such purity that will remain yours forever
He will cleanse you of the impurities of your fears
And doubts
And show you authority
Of His purity that will appear forever