In syncopated time, I lose my pace
A fractured rhythm, that fills the space
A heartbeat irregular, a soul astray
Searching for harmony, night and day
Life's inner rhythm, elusive and rare
A symphony of soul, beyond compare
Through discord's darkness, we must find
The hidden melody, that's left behind
In shattered dreams, a cry resounds
A dissonant voice, that echoes profound
A longing for harmony, that's lost its way
And inner rhythm, that's gone astray
A gentle whisper, that awakens slow
A pulse that beats, in harmony's glow
A rhythm that aligns, the heart's deep core
And life's symphony, begins to explore
Life's inner rhythm, now clear and bright
A harmony of soul, that shines like light
Through transformation's fire, we're refined
And inner melody, is forever aligned
In resonant waves, I feel the hum
A vibrational frequency, that's become
A harmony of heart, and soul's deep song
And life's rhythm, now beats strong
In perfect time, I find my place
A symphony of soul, that fills the space
A rhythm that aligns, the heart's deep core
And life's harmony, forever I adore
Life's inner rhythm, now pure and bright
A harmony of soul, that shines like light
Through harmony's gate, we enter wide
And life's symphony, forever resides