Beloved Friendship
The Lord will give you Yedidut
Like a friendship from His heart
The Wajdi of His friendship
Like an Ahava that never departs
He will show you His love
Like a Chavurah that always supports
And give you His Yedidut
Like a Shalom that never fades away
Beloved Friendship
The Lord will give you Yedidot
As a friendship from his heart
Wagdy his friendship
As a beloved who never leaves you
He will show you his love
As a scout who always supports you
And gives you Yedidot
As a peace that never fades
الصداقة الحبيبة
سيعطيك الرب يديوت
كصداقة من قلبه
وجدي صداقته
كأحبة لا تفارقك أبدًا
سيظهر لك حبه
كشافورة تدعمك دائمًا
ويعطيك يديوته
كسلام لا يتلاشى أبدًا
Beloved Friendship
The Lord will give you Yedidot
As a friendship from his heart
Wagdy his friendship
As a beloved who never leaves you
He will show you his love
As a scout who always supports you
And gives you Yedidot
As a peace that never fades