In the mirror's gaze I see your face (Psalm 139:1-six)
Advaita the oneness we can't erase (Psalm 133:1)
A reflection of truth in every soul (Psalm 51:6)
We're connected forever whole (Psalm 119:32)
With every breath I feel the union deep (Psalm 119:32)
Advaita the non-duality we keep (Psalm 133:1)
In this sacred space our hearts entwine (Psalm 133:1)
Infinite love forever divine (Psalm 36:5-seven)
Advaita we're one in the same (Psalm 133:1)
A drop of ocean in the cosmic flame (Psalm 104:24-thirty)
No separation just love remains (Psalm 36:5-seven)
Advaita we're forever sustained (Psalm 37:3-five)
Like a river flowing to the endless sea (Psalm 107:23-thirty-two)
Advaita our spirits forever free (Psalm 119:32)
No boundaries no divisions we roam (Psalm 133:1)
In this unity we find our home (Psalm 90:1)
With every breath I feel the union deep (Psalm 119:32)
Advaita the non-duality we keep (Psalm 133:1)
In this sacred space our hearts entwine (Psalm 133:1)
Infinite love forever divine (Psalm 36:5-seven)
Advaita we're one in the same (Psalm 133:1)
A drop of ocean, in the cosmic flame (Psalm 104:24-thirty)
No separation just love remains (Psalm 36:5-seven)
Advaita we're forever sustained (Psalm 37:3-five)
Now we shine as one in the light (Psalm 36:9)
Advaita our love takes flight (Psalm 119:32)