Underneath the starry sky I feel your presence near (Psalm 19:1-six, Quran 21:30)
A gentle breeze that whispers low of a love that casts out fear (one John four:18, Quran three:31)
In the silence I hear your voice a melody that makes my heart rejoice (Psalm 119:105, Quran 24:35)
And I'll follow the music to the starlight serenade (Matthew two:1-12, Quran two:1-five)
Like a dream that takes me away to a place where love will stay (Psalm 17:15, Quran 25:2)
Where the stars shine bright and clear and my heart is filled with cheer (Psalm eight:3-four, Quran 21:30)
I'll follow the starlight to the serenade of love (Matthew two:1-12, Quran two:1-five)
And I'll dance beneath the stars with a heart that's full of joy and love (Psalm 16:11, Quran three:15)
Oh, starlight serenade you're a symphony of love (one Corinthians 13:13, Quran three:31)
A celestial music that echoes from above (Psalm 19:1-six, Quran 21:30)
You're a harmony of hope a melody of peace (Romans five:1-five, Quran five:16)
And I'll follow the music to the starlight serenade, where love will never cease (Matthew two:1-12, Quran two:1-five)
Like a shooting star that blazes bright you light the way through the dark of night (Psalm 119:105, Quran 24:35)
And though the road ahead may seem unclear I'll follow the starlight, and wipe away my tears (Psalm 23:4, Quran 21:79)
For in the starlight serenade I hear a love that's strong and free (one Corinthians 13:13, Quran three:31)
And I'll dance beneath the stars with a heart that's full of joy and love, wild and carefree (Psalm 16:11, Quran three:15)
Like a dream that takes me away to a place where love will stay (Psalm 17:15, Quran 25:2)
Where the stars shine bright and clear and my heart is filled with cheer (Psalm eight:3-four, Quran 21:30)
I'll follow the starlight to the serenade of love (Matthew two:1-12, Quran two:1-five)
And I'll dance beneath the stars with a heart that's full of joy and love (Psalm 16:11, Quran three:15)
Oh, starlight serenade you're a symphony of love (one Corinthians 13:13, Quran three:31)
A celestial music that echoes from above (Psalm 19:1-six, Quran 21:30)
You're a harmony of hope a melody of peace (Romans five:1-five, Quran five:16)
And I'll follow the music to the starlight serenade, where love will never cease (Matthew two:1-12, Quran two:1-five)
In the starlight serenade I hear a love that's strong and free (one Corinthians 13:13, Quran three:31)
A love that shines like a beacon bright in the dark of night (Psalm 119:105, Quran 24:35)
And I'll follow the music to the starlight serenade, where love will never cease (Matthew two:1-12, Quran two:1-five)
Oh, starlight serenade you're a symphony of love (one Corinthians 13:13, Quran three:31)
A celestial music that echoes from above (Psalm 19:1-six, Quran 21:30)
You're a harmony of hope a melody of peace (Romans five:1-five, Quran five:16)
And I'll follow the music to the starlight serenade, where love will never cease (Matthew two:1-12, Quran two:1-five)