Hugs and loves and kisses goodbye, see you later tonight
Smiles and nicknames, a look in the eye, moments that bring such delight
Hello, then silence, a fast, quiet drive, a prayer and peace is flowing
Lost and rushing we finally arrive, we say goodbye without knowing
Waiting, waiting, holding, holding
Beauty in suffering calls out to me
Beauty in suffering calls out to me
Though everything changes, nothing really changes
Though everything changes, nothing really changes
You are there
Seasons pass and some things are gone, but our love can't be broken
Held and carried, kept safe from the storm, by One who our love has spoken
We will wait and pray for you, our hearts are joined in a chorus
Holding fast to One who is true, holding to One who is for us
Praying, praying, hoping, hoping
Running and crying and praying for him, music that pierces my soul
Sunlight that dances off waters I see, even the trees speak to me