I'm bored
I've got nothing to do
It's got nothing to do with you
Really, it's just me
I'm not tired
Though I might go to bed early
I'm not sad or confused
I've just got nothing to do
I've got no options today
Tomorrow's shaping up to be the same
You tell me
"find a hobby like biking or baking furniture making - just fill your time and leave me be, please.
Just dibble dabble, maybe play some online Scrabble
Occupy yourself and let me do my thing"
First of all, thanks for your support, but can't you see that I'm hurt
I'm not lying, I'm dying here all right maybe
That's a little dramatic but you know it's truly quite tragic
That I've lost my passion for most everything
I can't wait for the day
When the sun peers through the blinds and warms my face
And the birds just chatter away
And my feet don't ache
And I stretch my arms into the air then run my fingers through my hair
Oh, what a magical day for me, a magical day indeed
Hold on
This feels wrong
I wrote this song
That's something, right?
I mean, I did okay
I mean, it's not the worst song you've heard
Nor is it the best
I can't wait for the day
When the sun peers through the blinds and warms my face
And the birds just chatter away
And my feet don't ache
And I stretch my arms into the air then run my fingers through my hair
Oh, what a magical day for me, a magical day indeed
I feel good about myself
I was productive
Man, do I feel good about myself
I was productive
That was nice
Now I'm bored