Trisomie 21 Lyrics
Jazz (inglês) Lyrics
"Gotta go
I've got to go
You pleased me a lot
Hanging at my neck
Love perfume
Who have always last long
And still last long
And always just as strong...
You said to me
We got to quit
We got to react
When it's the time
It's no more like before
It's like a wind
Who blow off everything
Who let us...
A love perfume
Hanging at your neck
After all I loved it a lot
Who set me on fire
Who consume me like a straw fire...
Like enamel
With the Time who flake him off
Like a wind
Who blow off everything
A love perfume
It's no more like before
And still last long
Who blow off everything...
Gotta go
I've got to go
You pleased me a lot
Like a love perfume
Who always last long
And who still last long
Always just as strong...
When you said to me..."