I'm just trying to get by
That's not the life that I'm supposed to live
I've been swallowed up by laziness and a bit tripped up by fear
That I'm a storyteller no one ever hears
I am loved yet alone
That's not a contradiction
Still a child fully grown
Living half in truth half in fiction
I travel anywhere I like
Not a tie not a care just the world
Looking out when I'm mid-flight
The vast open sky makes my head swirl
Because out there in everywhere
Nothing feels just right or just like home
Never ending it's exciting
Soaring without a plan to land
I have courage I fight fear
Some days fear is stronger
It doesn't mean that I have lost
The courage always holds out longer
I am loved yet alone
That's not a contradiction
Still a child fully grown
Living half in reality with one foot off the ground
Looking to the sky ready to listen