Man made god gog of magog planet stay fog
Graveyard packed next old tre yards black murder crows gats under pillows cat heroes Steele poles
Wired fences for the youth offenders rosaries around crucifixes the ghost gut bleeds in pool for the
Sinners moses laws the roses grown between walls cover her named carved all you see is P & R at end of
Ood the Og priesthood the God
Y'all know who is 60 Second I get straight to the point my oblis keep tecking the marker of emoteping
My mind the pyramids walking up the stairs and watch step kid
I'm medicines golden seal severing
Stop what? I'm helico rising I hold the septor
Checker board floor medicine that's kill rappers in every sections when just because I don't know the
Lyrics you manifest be professing friend pop your bubble to your tongue lose possession trend
Now energy takes over the private soldier the god body essence the doe blower the style is here just
Look over the shoulders why I escort you telekinesis to Hypnosis and you never thought it coulda been
Opposite yet I'm here paraphrasing
But one thing is I never forgot any equation
It's in my bloodline I got to fake hits like I ain't create shit from the darkness came the greatness
Carve into stone y'all only but apart matrix y'all caught in these religious lyrics sounding sacred
Suspect I guess y'all forgot my oblis is ticking my brother Russian reletting me know and we ain't too far
To be gone the third hand on the clock is the pointer & they artillery drawn
Uniquely Wired with the Copper Effect
Frequencies enlighten to sustain let's connect
I walked the road with the soldiers of darkness
But my open heart turned to a frozen fortress
Tell me what's your angle, tell me what's good
Misunderstood when giving love to the hood
Not over-standing the level of my highness
Didn't realize that some will love and despise this
I can't help but be me to the letter
Working on myself to improve and be better
The water bearer light sharer aurora flarer
Prepared to push out new life from the equator
My eyes high beam when unsure fog lights
Natural is better Sun, Star Moonlight
An explosion of insight guides at night
Because out of the darkness, yes I am the light