Never, never, never, never, never
Never mess with old dogs
Never, never, never, never, never
Never mess with old dogs
They wanna challenge us tonight, it's raining outside
It's been awhile since I took a ball last time
What am I supposed to do? I ain't gonna decline
Old soldiers fade away, they never die
I'm a champ, gotta stay on the top
You tryna challenge me, wanna put me in dirt
You brought your friends and took your camcorder with you
Wanna make history? But history gonna f*ck you
You mess with wrong guys
Pick up time for challenging me, that's bad idea
I'm still a serial killer when I'm on the court
I got that muscle memory which I never forgot
The game is over you don't wanna know the score
It is oh or zero call it what you want
You know since now and further on
Never mess with old dogs they got stronger jaws
Never mess with old dogs, they got stronger jaws
They got stronger paws, they gon' make you lost
In history, the one you supposed to make
Your fake intentions gonna make you regret
Never mess with old dogs, they got stronger jaws
They got stronger paws, they gon' make you lost
In history, the one you supposed to make
Your fake intentions gonna make you regret
Never, never, never, never, never
Never mess with old dogs
Never, never, never, never, never
Never mess with old dogs
Never, never, never, never, never
Never mess with old dogs
Never, never, never, never, never
Never mess with old dogs
Лучше не иметь делов со старыми псами,
Басами голосовых связок они разорвут на части
Клыки так и лезут из пасти
Накаляются страсти, горсти пройденых земель
Под их когтями закалены снегами Западной Сибири
А впереди мили леденящей пыли
И все забыли, что псы всегда готовы к атаке
Нападают при луне в полуночном мраке
Когда разгорится факел оскала
Чтобы мало не стало - выпускают когти
И все завистники кусают локти
Оскал, рык и сумасшедший взгляд
Никто не будет этому рад
Если не уверен, то не бросай мне вызов
Я прошел этот путь с самых низов
Если не уверен, то не бросай мне вызов
Ведь я прошел этот путь с самых низов
Never mess with old dogs, they got stronger jaws
They got stronger paws, they gon' make you lost
In history, the one you supposed to make
Your fake intentions gonna make you regret
Never mess with old dogs, they got stronger jaws
They got stronger paws, they gon' make you lost
In history, the one you supposed to make
Your fake intentions gonna make you regret
Never, never, never, never, never
Never mess with old dogs
Never, never, never, never, never
Never mess with old dogs
Never, never, never, never, never
Never mess with old dogs
Never, never, never, never, never
Never mess with old dogs