Here's to the sluts
The prostitutes, the peacemakers
Who break their backs and shake their moneymakers
Here's to the slags
Everyone thinks your life's a drag
But you're having the time of your life
My mama told me, don't you shave above the knee
You ain't that kind of lady my dear
And now my eyeliner is as sharp as my wit
No, I won't have none of it, no I won't have none of it
Here's to the sluts
The prostitutes, the peacemakers
Who break their backs and shake their moneymakers
Here's to the slags
Everyone thinks your life's a drag
But you're having the time of your life
Knees together, stand up straight
Don't curse use a purse, don't masturbate
My heels are high like a mid-April day
Stay out of my way, stay out of my way
Here's to the sluts
The prostitutes, the peacemakers
Who break their backs and shake their moneymakers
Here's to the slags
Everyone thinks your life's a drag
But you're having the time of your life
Here's to the sluts
The prostitutes, the peacemakers
Who break their backs and shake their moneymakers
Here's to the slags
Everyone thinks your life's a drag
But you're having the time of your life