The sun flares in a sky of fire
Fighting the will of sleep like a wailing babe
Defeated, the horizon fades
From deepest blue to black
The rasp of summer rattles its' last
I chill as my lungs expand
For they fill with the earthy breath
Of Autumn
I feel Summer's shade around me
A patient spirit reluctant to move on
Ethereal, incorporeal
Awaiting rebirth to come
The rasp of summer rattles it's last
I chill as my lungs expand
For they fill with the earthy breath
Of Autumn
While the soul of summer wanders
The spirit of fall roars to life
In the new light of dawn
The brilliant new light of the dawn
Resplendent brightly burning hues
Warm my body, and my heart, and my mind
The rasp of summer rattles its' last
I chill as my lungs expand
For they fill with the earthy breath
Of Autumn