I pick up The phone and look you up The Snapchat i can't imagine The world without you so how could i remember The word without you, Without you i just wanna cry send you a Message it's not a big deal just i would remember you now so i can never tell you i'm sorry for it
I just wanna fly away to you beacuse without you i have nothing left i just wanna fly Away with you beacuse you are special to me
It's not easy to tell you this like i don't know how a word exist [Baby I am sorry] I just Wanna be there with you [I'll Always be there with you] Beacuse you are everything to Me [ You mean everything to me]
I just wanna fly away to you beacuse without you I have nothing left i just wanna fly Away with you beacuse you are special to me
Thinking about you is a hard work now like i have nothing left to say looking back to a Very good day [Daaaayyyy]
I just wanna fly away to you beacuse without you i have nothing left i just wanna fly Away with you beacuse you are special to me
I just wanna fly away to you beacuse without you i have nothing left i just wanna fly away with you beacuse you are special to me [Baby i love you oh Please i love you so much]
[You mean everything to me you know that]