Happy birthday
You're sixteen
Is it everything you
Ever dreamed?
Happy birthday
You're a teen
You can do whatever you want
You can drive legally
Happy birthday
You're sixteen
Are you okay with that?
Have you gotten all that you asked for?
Happy birthday
You're sixteen
Do you have your future planned out?
Do you know what you want to be?
So did you get everything you wanted?
Ask yourself; are you happy?
So did you get the guitar you wanted?
Did you learn how to breathe easy?
Happy birthday
I'm sixteen
It doesn't feel that different
I don't know what that says about me
Happy birthday
I'm sixteen
One day I'll be twenty
I hope the time between is plenty
Cause everyone tells me to enjoy my youth
What other things have I missed out on too?
Should I be doing more? Should I be going out?
All the past years I've spent aren't coming back now
Happy birthday
I'm sixteen
It's a note to my future self
I hope you're doing well
Happy birthday
I'm sixteen
I'm gonna try my best
To make it everything you've dreamed