How you doing? It's kind of weird for me to talk to you like this
But I couldn't find any other way to do it
I don't know, I always had a hard time talking about things like this in person
But even now I don't know what to say
This new album that I'm about to release, or EP
Or whatever I call it by the time it comes out
I just want you to know that it's actually not a cry for help
I mean, the title is ominous but I just want to say that it's 'In Case I'm Gone'
Because I know that one of these days I'll go away
Maybe for a long time or maybe I'll never come back, personality wise
Or if I were to die somehow, but let's not make this negative
I just want to say that this album is dedicated to you
It sounds really weird for me to say this actually
And I don't know how to say this next part without sounding cheesy but here it is
I have it written down somewhere
In Case I'm Gone I hope you know that you were always the number one
I guess the easiest way for me to say this is
In Case I'm Gone, in case if I'll never come back
I just want you to know that I did love you till the very end