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lovelytheband Quotes

lovelytheband Song Quotes

"Life is not a love song, we can try
To fix our broken pieces one at a time"
from broken (2018)
"I like that you're lonely
Lonely like me
I could be lonely with you"
from broken (2018)
"I like that you're broken
Broken like me
Maybe that makes me a fool"
from broken (2018)
"So many people inside my head
Momma taught me not to talk back"
from these are my friends (2019)
"My heart and I don't get along"
from these are my friends (2019)
"I keep mistaking loneliness for love
I'm tryna find myself inside someone"
from loneliness for love (2020)

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"My heart and I don't get along"
- these are my friends by lovelytheband