I've been so mad lately
Mostly at myself
For feeling so incompetent
I have declining mental health
I've been so bad lately
At everything I do
I can't reach my high expectations
That I try to live up to
I've been so jealous lately
Mostly of my friends
Who I think are better than me
'Cause they keep up with all the trends
I've been so scared lately
That they will all find out
That I'm actually a loser
Filled with crippling self-doubt
I believe I won't be liked
Unless I'm perfect to a T
But needing to be right all the time
Gives me anxiety
I struggle to be human
Because in reality
I don't feel like I'm good enough
'Cause I'm just me
I'm just me
I've been in love lately
With anyone who can
Make me feel like an imposter
Like they're better than I am
I've been so hurt lately
By the things I say to me
I know I should be kinder
And other impossibilities
I believe I won't be liked
Unless I'm perfect to a T
But needing to be right all the time
Gives me anxiety
I struggle to be human
Because in reality
I try to be an inspiration
But I'm just me
I'm just me
I know we are all different
And good in our own ways
But my appreciation falls short
When I give myself praise
I see all of my struggles
And though I know you have them too
I always find myself thinking,
Man, they look better on you
I've been trying lately
To love myself some more
And focus on my qualities
That I truly do adore
I've been learning lately
You don't have to be the best
To be valid and valuable
And experience success
So maybe I don't have to be
Perfect to a T
And maybe I don't have to have
So much anxiety
It's hard to be a human
But I'm trying to believe
This world might be a better place
If I'm just me
I'm just me
I'm just me