In the dirty light before dawn
I sat on stone
Five stories high
The city spans eternal
In dimly lit vistas
Do I have love for you?
You jutting oasis
I know you need me
'Cause you won't climb alone
With sorry hands I'll hold on
To you
When you go
Or will you go with me?
Will you keep me as your own?
I remember holiness
And worship
All closed to your offerings
And though I've known your kiss
I still see the hijackers of your soul
Under summer's oven sky
I lay low and lower
Beneath sand, surf, and sky
Lake's edge no more visible than ocean's
Do I need technicalities?
Or just the obvious?
Maybe just the opposite
Take me in and envelope me in vagaries
And talk to me of eudaimonic strivings
Concern yourself with me
And adding to my entropy
And then I'll be delighted
To sing and shout your praise