I've got a confession
I've got no connection
I'm happy to sit and nod
And act like i'm paying attention
I'm no performer
But i've fooled some daughters
To think i'm a stand up man
Not looking for flowers to water
This mess, it's a test
A test to see if i'll be cynical
Or lay my head to rest
This mess, it's a test
A test to see if i'll be cynical
Or lay my head to rest
And say i'm blessed
I've written song after song
Reaming about wrongs
Blaming my upbringing
But if i learned a
Thing or two
It's how to run away
So far, so fast
Until i've fixed the past
This mess, it's a test
A test to see if i'll be cynical
Blaming someone else's hands
I confess; i know best
And maybe someday
I'll have physical proof
That I passed the test
To say I'm blessed