My name is Wor, I'm incredibly brave
I've got a gun that shoots out 5 ways
And I defy laws of time and space
I'm kind of a big deal...
One day I met an old steampunk train
With rails and wheels and a human face
I shot my gun all over the place and he screamed in pain and then
The whole thing shattered again
Was left in tatters again
Nothing else matters when
You see the whole thing shatters again
I laugh off it and take to the skies
Cos heroes don't ever get traumatised
I see its face when I close my eyes
But it's not a big deal
Is that a pirate ship with a face?
I shoot my gun at it just in case
Under its face is another face and that face screams in pain and then
The whole thing shatters again
Was left in tatters again
Nothing else matters when
You see the whole thing just shatters again
I killed them all, the planet is safe!
I grab my gun and fly back off into space
I don't get sad when I picture their faces, screaming in pain and then...
The illusion shatters again...
Bits going everywhere
As I fly majestically through the air
Pretending that I don't care
About the bits going everywhere