In the time of step's power
When a slave was cheaper than goats
Often slaves became a mankurt
Cause he's loyal and obedient
They will bury you in this desert
You won't remember your own name
All your life is forgotten
You will become a faithless slave
Mask of death - They put on your head
Sun of desert - burning your brain
Dying by thirst - and starvation
The day lasts more - than hundreds year
He has no more religion and faith
He didn't see his previous life
He did not recognise his name, family or tribe
He did not recognise himself as a human being
(КТО Я?)
Волосы вросли в мой череп
Я не помню родную веру
Маска дьявола меня лишила
чувств людских и воспоминании
Завербованный в чужую веру
Ложь системы очевидна
Современный мир падет однажды
В этот день мы вернемся к жизни
Sense of amnesia - during all life
Sense of aberration - in my soul
Voice of ancestors - from the steps
Civilisation - will spell our doom
He has no more religion and faith
He didn't see his previous life
He did not recognise his name, family or tribe
He did not recognise himself as a human being