Drove up to whistler to chase the mountain fires
Past the cliffs of squamish where somewhere your spirit lies
I'm running out of gas and there's no store around for miles
No shoulder to pull over, just the road, the sea, the sky
And those majestic cliffs where somewhere your spirit waits
Those memories that hide from me, even though i chase
Tengo razones para buscartes
I'm running out of daylight and i'm scared that it's too late
With no shoulder to pass trucks, just the sea, the sky, the road
And those majestic cliffs where somewhere your spirit groaned
The fires are devouring the trees up on Blackcomb
I came to ask the mountains to let you come back home
But i'm running out of hope, left with memories
No shoulder to cry on, just the road, the sky, the sea
And those majestic cliffs that stole you once from me
I could start to see how you'd never want to leave