Welcome to the RatPack Bible EP
Yoo, hol' up
Hol' up
What's happening people
Welcome to the real story
There will be prequel, sequel or any other equal to Savvie's storytelling of good and evil
So sit tight for your five stories tonight
Five stories interwined
First stories of, five stories of
Its crazy because I see life as this giant just jamming in the clouds
Me a little kid, like um Lil Jack, just wanna take a crack to see what's it all about
A voice in my head screaming climb that beanstalk while it grows
I reach the top and life screaming this is what you came for
I'm talking back and saying that I just came here for the thrill, that's what I do
Life cracks a smile, while staying still and asks what's deep inside of you
Just keep it real, what do you feel
Life unrelenting as I unreel
Unreal, I have something so worthy but maybe I need to heal