Hurry up and away!
They'll tell your story
How they want to tell it.
The algorithm
Of the sun and moon.
Where the planets were
When I first saw you.
I knew invisible
Was visible now
And then
You told me...
The words were
Swirling 'round
Like yellow leaves.
I saw divisions
Of labor. The cultures...
Your kind's
Not welcome here.
Magnify the feeling.
In a matter of seconds
I had circumnavigated the globe.
The web of awareness
Bore down and through me.
Other choices stood out
With those of migration.
I too had crossed borders
Yearning for security, warmth,
Comfort, anything where I was
Not running for my life.
Suppressing my very being.
Restricted by man
And the whims of manhood
Magnified by their fractal bigotry
Enacted by fear, ignorance, comfort ,
And the privilege of being...