Systems spitting bliss
Into seasonal depression
And obsession with analysis
Binary expressions affecting texts
Suggesting scripts
Pretension presenting attention on the grid
I can admit I'm a bit of an addict
Can't help but submit to the bit and stay static
Or chat in passing how I tend to reminisce
On the antithesis of what's kicking the kids
But, I could be convinced
To give into a click-by-click kind of
The deliberate repeat and rinse
It's too much to just sit and exist
Can I just pull it back a little
Pull all my cards out of the middle
Is it worth the less intense nonsensical connection
Digital riddles
I'll just skate under the surface
Just a few steps out of service
Or why'd I purchase all my cool ringtones
On my new flip phone
If not form some kind of purpose
So I'm conflicted
Being parasitically afflicted and
Dissed by my virtual assistant
Flirting with permission from
Pixelated encrypted prescriptions
But I could be convinced
That somebody else was the genius
Somebody's getting rich quick
From my perpetual lovesickness
Can I just pull it back a little
Pull all my cards out of the middle
Is It worth the less intense nonsensical connection
Digital riddles
I'll just skate under the surface
Just a few steps out of service
Or why'd I purchase all my cool ringtones
On my new flip phone
If not form some kind of purpose
Can I just pull it back
Take my cards out of
Is it worth all the
Computation hesitation
Just a few steps out
Just to skate under
Why'd I purchase all that
Just to make it work
Just to make it work
Just to make it work
Want to make it work