I'm gonna take you by surprise
Not going anymore my feelings to hide
You may take me as you like
I don't give anyone my fate to decide
Going through the same circle
Ever and ever
Can you please guide me
And do me a favor
I want to know who are you
How you're here out of blue
Fancy cars, crispy notes
Sizzling girls, illegal votes
Chinese food, French wine
Steffi Graf beside to dine
Mount Everest, Pacific Ocean
Great democracy of even greater nation
African forest, Sahara Desert
What should I do about ice cold dessert
Great blue whale and African lion
Don't make me envy
'Cause they are sides of coin
But I can never make any head or tail
No more quicken my heartbeat if I fail
I'm gonna take you by surprise
Not going anymore my feelings to hide
You may take me as you like
I don't give anyone my fate to decide
Transcendental meditation, great devotion
Doesn't make a difference, they don't trigger passion
Their love affairs and tricky situations
Afraid to be amused at sentimental revelations
Their sense of humor makes me cry
Cry at my laughter and you can try
Dire Straits, Billy Joel
And king of the rock Mr Pink Floyd
Doesn't lift my spirits anymore
So I listen Mr Shaggy just to be bored
What call you boring I call it interesting
'Cause if you're interested it won't be long
Take for example Mr Shaggy's song
I can hear it all night long
I'm gonna take you by surprise
Not going anymore my feelings to hide
May I declare my reasoning with pride
If you're bored with everything it's alright
Going through the same circle
Ever and ever
Can you please guide me
And do me a favor
I want to know who are you
How you're here out of blue