Twilight scatters the colours of day
Evening Insects ticking the moments away
Dream, dream
A rhythmic goodbye to the descending sun
The glass distance disappears
Fading sunlight stretch between trees and ground
Giant shadows jump forward from tiny things
A red kiss on a dark horizon
Is a round door sealed growing smaller
The gentle steps of your dreams
Make their way stealthily
The black ice cracks of tiny screams
I'm spiralling and draining away
Moving strokes of snowflake silk
That lull you to sleep
The clouds in your mind
Become clear underwater skies
Internal visions loom like big happy balloons
Then fall away like dominoes
Tonight is a negative in black and white
You can see much more when you have to cover your eyes
And tingle from
The deafening stampede of wishes and dreams
Many times I've seen you by the night
Eyelashes dripping from the bottom of your eyes
And spied by
Cloaked buildings and hooded windows
Your high heels drip into the water
While the rain tick tocks on the concrete
The gentle steps of your dreams
Make their way stealthily
The black ice cracks of tiny screams
I'm spiralling and draining away
The moving strokes of snowflake silk
That lull you to sleep
The clouds in your mind
Become clear underwater skies
Internal visions loom like big happy balloons
Then fall away like dominoes