My mind is a boat that is filled with emotion
But cargo gets loose when I hit rocky ocean
On unsteady waters some things start to pour
Over the edge, floating out far from shore
I'm starting to lose it and I'm feeling afraid
Of steering the ship without any aid
So please send a raft or a lifeboat for me
'Cause I don't know how long I will last out at sea
I miss the days when life was smooth sailing
When I could get by without needing a railing
What happened to happiness always prevailing?
Now it just feels like I'm constantly trailing behind
I feel like a plane in the middle of a storm
As everything 'round me pesters like a swarm
The turbulence hits and the baggage starts to fall
Spilling from overhead bins and blocking up the hall
I'm feeling surrounded and I just want to get out
From all of the pressure and this constant self doubt
I don't like this feeling of losing all control
A piece of me is gone now, but I just want to be whole
I miss the days when life was smooth sailing
When I could get by without needing a railing
Now it just feels like the pilot is bailing
And I'm flying the plane while the engines are failing for me
I'm stuck in pit, sinking slowly in the ground
I just want to scream, but I'm afraid to make a sound
My vision is shrouded by walls as thick and black as oil
And I no longer see the flowers growing from the soil
It's hard to be hopeful when you're staring at your feet
And see nothing but darkness in a hole that's six feet deep
But I hear a voice calling down to me with love
And look up to see there's still a beaming light above
I'm no longer afraid 'cause I know I'm not alone
So I call out for help and soon a rope is thrown
I grab hold and start climbing 'til I've emerged out of the den
And I see all the blossoms once again
Now even on the days when I long for smooth sailing
When the waves get so rough and the wind is prevailing
I think to myself, gazing over the railing
How lucky you are that you get to be sailing at all