I'm a work in progress| And I've been around the block| Kinda rough around the edges| But I'm solid as a rock| I think I've got potential| But I need some TLC (yessiree)| The return is exponential| With a fixer upper like me|| I ain't move in ready| But I'm open and warm| I'm not cookie cutter perfect| But I'll stand up in a storm| Hope you don't mind getting dirty| And rolling up your sleeves (them pretty sleeves)| You might find a few surprises| With a fixer upper like me||Chorus: I been neglected, rejected, beat up, and disrespected, | Ain't kept myself up like I should| But with some careful attention and genuine affection| Baby you'll see I clean up real good| I'm yours for the taking, full of possibilities| Baby that's the beauty of a fixer upper like me||Verse: If you don't mind a project | If you're good with your hands| If you have a little patience | And you understand| You got to go below the surface| To find true quality (you get what you see) | Aw, there's a whole lot of promise| In a fixer upper like me||Tag: Aw, baby that's the beauty of a fixer upper like me|