You are the universe in ecstatic motion
Stop acting so small
Stop acting so small
Beyond ideas
Of what's good
And what's bad
There's a field
Meet me there and see what it's like to
Just be
And laugh under trees
At the thought
That there's a you and me
And dance
When you're broken open
When you've torn the bandage off
In the middle of the fight
Until you're perfectly free
You've lived inside your mind for so long
You can't remember feeling like you have a home
Beyond the stories you've clung to
For safety for years
There's a space
For songs you forgot how to sing
There are endless sounds you don't hear
When you're not listening
So dance
When you're broken open
When you've torn the bandage off
In the middle of the fight
Until you're perfectly free
When you're torn apart
Until you're perfectly free
There is no line in the sand
Just space where the sea unifies with the shore
(No two)
So draw no lines in the sand
And be a child of the moment
(Above time)
With perfect timing when you
Even when you're broken open
When you're torn apart
Nothing you really are can be taken
So dance
Dance in your blood
(No two)
There's nothing else
Just all of this
So dance
(No two)
(No two)
(No two)