You know, I'm actually jealous of you Blade
You're free, youre careless
Walking amongst them in the day
You're a normie
I'm a freak in a toupee
That's right, a toupee
We're having a moment
The big reveal
Is how we feel
Looking in the mirror
Two eyes, two ears
The fangs, don't forget the fangs
Just two canines
Two not so bad guys
And we're having a moment
Me and you
We're having a moment
Maybe externally I project strength
Internally I question faith
Meaning, what are we even doing
And who am I
Who IS Blade
Don't get all sappy when the shark is circling
The water is whirling, it's not murky
My reign
Your blood drained
It's a certainty
Certainly it could be, but hear me out
We could go back and forth for eternity
But I know you're discerning
You want a new order now, leave the ancients out
What's more primordial than combat by kicks and pows
Let's be cordial
Maybe we avoid this dumb war
With a
Good new fashioned thumb war
No way Blade, that's not big enough
I need fireworks, nukes, hurting, tourniquets
Absurd, unheard of power
The works
How about instead
A shared purpose?
Oh and what, I got a shared purpose
And this lousy tshirt, worthless
You want it all? That's how you get it
You make people feel like they're part of it
They're invested, your ideas are their ideas
But really, they're your ideas, get it
I get what you're putting down, I catch the drift
But keep going, not sure if you pass the sniff
Imagine this, we tell em you have a voice
Everyone from vampires to humans, you have a choice
We set up a council, we put on a performance
We campaign for months, we listen in earnest
We kiss babies, we promise to curb crime
We nod, grin, agree we must have justice
But finally, when it comes time
To check the box
They all find
It's just us, me and you
It's just us, no reason for a rivalry
The only question now is,
What will our titles be
Is this a partnership
I've never started one before
Do we shake hands
High five
Or something more
This is awkward
Ah forget it, big hug
Halfblood and Daywalker
We're having a moment
The big reveal
Is how we feel
Looking in the mirror
Two eyes, two ears
The fangs, don't forget the fangs
Just two canines
Two not so bad guys
And we're having a moment
Me and you
We're having a moment