3am, my mind won't let me sleep again
These nerves have really got a hold of me
A thousand degrees, at least what it seems
My thoughts are racing. Oh God, what's wrong with me?
These sheets, this bed: just like life and death
And I lay smothered in between so caught in
The middle of waste and success, I'm a mess
A nervous wreck. Don't wanna leave this place 'til I progess
Then you hold me
And show me
The future's gonna be so alive
And you're not really living if it's not for today
So dwell in that place, there's no time to waste
3am and you pull up in your car
After all this time and show me who you truly are
There was so much left unsaid, but now we've said it all
Ups and downs and turnarounds, we stand firm then always fall
And it was you who shows me to just take it as it comes
But it was always you when time to take it, just runs
There's two sides to every story, we all make mistakes
But I can't imagine being in your shoes, I all ready break
Then you hold me and show me
That the past is never really dead
It's carried on your back while you're livin' for today
A moment's remembrance, a glance not to waste
Are you cold down there? Are you warm with me?
I see you every time I close my eyes, can you see me?
I feel so lonely trying to make sense out of all this
Cherish all we had, but is it a waste to even exist?
And you're with me
At every
Waking moment, every step of the way
So guide me to live every second for today
It shapes up and I can see it's not a waste