Try to carry the weight of the world on your shoulders,
Your back ain't strong enough
Ten million of the strongest men are waiting in line,
So you best not volunteer
Ten million miles between you and your troubles
They'll be waiting there for you
The Sun and Moon don't quit their chasing
Because they don't know who is chasing who
Pluck the thorn from your side
Don't sit there and bleed
I met a man in town who sold me answers
In a vile of tears he said were of God
His serum tasted bitter, and the next time I cried
My tears ran black and I went blind
I met another man out on the rod
He called it home and he spoke of Time
He told me any answer is easy to find:
"Just look at the dust under your boots."
Pluck the thorn from your side
Don't sit there and bleed
There's a border, Lord, that I ride alone
Cuts these empty plains clear in half
One side holds Splendor and one side holds Sin
I cross two and fro' however I please
I make my camp as darkness comes to steal
Away the warmth of the sun
On a night so black when my skin feels to burn
Behind the pinholes in the black sky -
The stars still shine
Pluck the thorn from your side
Don't sit there and bleed
Pluck the thorn from your side
Don't sit there and bleed
By and by
By and by
Lord, by and by
By and by