I know life's a mess
But it's all part of the plan
God's got my back
I'm just stickin' to the fam
Even when I'm lost
I'm never outta reach
Gotta trust His path
Like it's taught in the preach
In my head I know
I got a choice to make
Good or bad I decide
Which road to take
When I stray yeah
I feel the distance grow
Gotta turn back
And let His love overflow
Oh I'm chosen
He picked me from the start
Imperfect but He sees
Right through my heart
Cannon events yeah
They're all meant to be
God never makes mistakes
Can't you see?
Life throws curves
But I keep my eyes on Him
Even in the dark
His light won't dim
Sometimes I fall yeah
I mess up again
But He lifts me up
Takes away the pain
I'm a masterpiece
Crafted by His hands
Every flaw's a part
Of the greater plans
Though I stumble
His love never fades
Through the highs and lows
I'll give Him praise
Oh I'm chosen
He picked me from the start
Imperfect but He sees
Right through my heart
Cannon events yeah
They're all meant to be
God never makes mistakes
Can't you see?
Oh I'm chosen
He picked me from the start
Imperfect but He sees
Right through my heart
Cannon events yeah
They're all meant to be
God never makes mistakes
Can't you see?
Life's a journey
Every step I take
With God by my side
I won't break
He chose me
Now I choose Him too
In His love
I'll always make it through