Oh please, what's behind the rose-colored glasses that we don't see
Yeah right, you say you never argue. You claim you never fight
She never disagrees. She thinks you're always right
Yeah, it's hard to believe. Yeah, it's hard to believe
I guess you live in a perfect world. You must be matched with the perfect girl
But your picture-perfect sounds perfectly boring to me
Did Disney animate this princess
Hallmark Channel write the script
Convince me she's the one, convince yourself you're in love
Because that's the one thing I never hear you say
Does she take your breath away? Does she make your heart race
Do you count the hours, the minutes, the seconds when you're away
Do thoughts of her interrupt your meetings and invade your dreams
Where's the spark, the fireworks, the flames? Where's the chemistry
Oh please, what's behind the far-out fairy tales that we don't see
Yeah right, you say he's the model man. You claim he's Mr. Right
He always listens to you and he's always so polite.
Yeah, it's hard to believe. Yeah, it's hard to believe
I guess you live in a perfect paradise. You must be matched with the perfect guy
Did Disney animate prince charming
Harlequin Romance do the writing
Convince me he's the one convince yourself you're in love
Because it's the one thing I never hear you say
Does he take your breath away? Does he make your heart race
Do you count the hours, the minutes, the seconds when you're away
Do thoughts of him interrupt your meetings and invade your dreams
Where's the spark, the fireworks, the flames? Where's the chemistry
If you want a Stepford wife when you come home at night
A robot by your side for the rest of your life
I guess the stars are aligned for you, must be with your dream come true
But wouldn't it be nice to hear a different point of view
I know I'm not the perfect girl, tell you what's right and wrong in the world
Stir your imagination, ignite interesting conversation
Someone who speaks her mind like me
We have chemistry