All aboard! Oh wait, scratch that
Your train's delayed, the track is flat
Grab a snack, enjoy the view
We might leave by half past two
Excuse me, sir, is this my ride?
"Oh no, that one just died."
New update: platform change
But don't run-it's out of range
Next stop: who the hell knows?
Timetables are just a pose
Faster, greener, always late
Deutsche Bahn, you're doing great!
First class seat? Oh, what a dream!
Enjoy that standing-room routine
Aircon's broke, Wi-Fi's dead
But at least the toilets... nah, forget.
"Ladies and gents, we're stuck again
Some signal failed near Düsseldorf's end."
Track repairs? Oh, maybe soon
Or sometime after the next full moon
Next stop: who the hell knows?
Timetables are just a pose
Faster, greener, always late
Deutsche Bahn, you're doing great!
Apologies for the slight delay
But trust us, things will change one day
New budget, big plans, high-speed hype!
Just ignore that derailed vibe
Breakdowns, strikes, no refunds back,
But hey, there's always the snack-cart snack!
Just sit tight, stay polite
You might get home before midnight
Next stop: who the hell knows?
Timetables are just a pose
Faster, greener, always late
Deutsche Bahn, you're doing great!
So grab a book, enjoy the stay
Deutsche Bahn, we're on our way
Well, someday