Imma flip this world upside down, when I get a chance
The big advance
It'll be in my hands
Bathing with the money and the honeys
It's all apart of my plan
I hope you understand
That I came up with nothing, so this dream is all I am
All I ever will be
So I hope you see
The urgency
That resides within me, In Durham, only friend was Samouri
Oddly specific
I'm sure
To understand who I am
You've got to know my influences
They turned me to a man
Not at the time
I couldn't change on a dime
Nah, this shit took ages
Went through several pages, of my life
Before this seed sprouted
My knowledge being outed
Like a sleeper agent
I've been awakened
But let me take you back
To Lyons Park, memories a little fuzzy, little dark
But I'll still guide through like Chiron, cause I know my mark
I was prolly like 9 at the time
Samori's 8
Everything's pretty great
Now keep in mind
I haven't seen him in a while
Cause he ain't been in after-school
But it's all cool
Cause when we link and we think
We come up with something
This little freestyle about Fancy Pants
You know, the browser game
And we recited this thing all through the aisles
All down Lyons Park
So proud of ourselves
And what we could make
And I think that's what really started my rapping career
Had some good times in Durham
But I gotta move on, to the stage in my life, we moved to different lawns
More like different states
I'd never felt my heartbreak, so hard, just being super far
Not like I knew very much
But it still got stuck
In my emotions
Moving through the motions
Colorado, that's where I met Kendrick, he had a cool bravado
And he was the next rapper toggle
He was an older kid
I wanted to impress, cause he was a good dancer, and was well dressed
He could spit some flames
With the likes of the big names
He could've gotten fame
But he didn't want it
He taught me a couple words
And how to put them together
Like a tether, you could never sever
That's what let me make it through the weather
He was all for a rap group, and I wanted to prove that I was better
Not than him
Just better than other people
So I wrote this verse
And it was nothing good
It was like 2 bars
It was like some battle rap shit
Like "You ain't got no dollar, well I got 5 dollars"
And that was supposed the f*cking mic drop moment
It was garbage
Like pure garbage
Like anything of mine is different now
But at the time it was garbage that I loved
Cause it was my garbage
And that was important
It's time to flash into the present
Lemme rant a second
Cause I know I'm nothing special, I just think it's f*cking crazy
That I know the people that I do
Like, even if I hate y'all
You just won't leave my heart, especially those in the crew, I've loved y'all from the start
This goes out to Vex, Filth, $tarr, and more
Without y'all my life would be chore
I'll take that to my grave and back
For y'all I'll walk 100 miles of glass, barefoot, and that's fact
Excuse me if I go off beat
This hit is just so goddamn important to me
Y'all made me who I am today
Through thick and thin, y'all had my back and showed me the way
If I ever get the chance to repay you
You know I'd do it
Cause when I floated too far to the clouds, Y'all held me down
When I fell back to the ground, You fixed my broken frown
There's too many stories to recount
But if I had to pick one
It's the one we're gonna make
When we all make it
Laughing and having a good time together
That's what gets me through my life
It's a dream that lasts forever
I love y'all