It's a tough nut to crack
People resist making a change
They say I don't see a problem
Things have always been this way
No room for us, there's no room for us
With an elephant growing in the room
Tough nut to crack, can't get tougher
Too tough to handle alone
Tough nut to crack
Let's talk and work it together
Tough nut to crack
Ignoring the problem far too long
Has not made it go away
Cllowed it to take over our space
It now stares us right in the face
No room for us, there's no room for us
With this elephant in the room
Tough nut to crack, can't get tougher
Too tough to handle alone
Tough nut to crack
Let's talk and work it together
Tough nut to crack
Round and round
It grows and grows
Where it stops
No one knows
Let's deal with it right now
We'll give it our attention
We can not hesitate
This problem will not wait
Tough nut to crack, can't get tougher
Too tough to handle alone
Tough nut to crack
Let's talk and work it together
Tough nut to crack