Man on the corner
Smoking a cigarette
He's worried about his brother
And that girl, her name he forgets
People try to help him
He says no
Trying to tell him
That he needs to go
Far, far from here
Far away from here
Woman with her baby
Doesn't know what to do
When she looks him she should be
Happy but she feels blue
People try to help her
She says no
Trying to tell her what she feels is normal
But she don't, she don't care
No she don't care
Man walks down the street
Seeing everything
He can only hear their screams
He knows what they mean
Lives his best life
Has the best advice
He's willing to share but
No one seems to care
Man on the corner
Still smoking that same cigarette
Woman's baby doesn't know
But he feels her regret
He's tried to help them
They say no
He's tried to tell them that he knows how this goes
But they nod and they just smile
Oh, how they smile
Watch as he walks away
Knowing he's failed today