Getting low on the very little left that gets me high
Sick of trying so hard when the outcome is the more I try
The harder time I have getting by on becoming a better guy
Hate to feel sad, to feel mad
I'm not glad to be alone, growing old and back on my own again
Miss feeling missed and I miss being kissed
Now I'm pissed, I cannot make a list of all the things I am
Supposed to be manifesting
Too much of a whole lot of not enough
Overkill of the overplayed song about a guy so desperately trying to be noticed and heard
I'm not sure about anything at all that I used to be so sure about back when I was ignorant
So indecisive in a world so saturated in options with everything that ends up trending
With a mass favorite
Hate to feel sad, to feel mad
I'm not glad to be alone, growing old and back on my own again
Miss feeling missed and I miss being kissed
Now I'm pissed, I cannot make a list of all the things I am
Supposed to be manifesting
Turn on my blinders by an epiphany, I'm digesting and it's almost so sad starts me feeling disgusting like I'm fat and thirteen
Going through the pits of puberty, but no I am old now
And all I've worked so hard for has somehow left me understanding poverty
Hate to feel sad, to feel mad
I'm not glad to be alone, growing old and back on my own again
Miss feeling missed and I miss being kissed
Now I'm pissed, I cannot make a list of all the things I am
Supposed to be manifesting
I still reminisce of when I had all I wished and was daily kissed
And it makes me pissed I let all that shit slip right through my fingertips
Guess I better get quick to more manifesting
And that shit's unresting