You think you're cute, you think you're oh-so-sly, like maybe there's a chance that I don't recognize
Every time, in a different direction, you walk by, I thought you'd have found some reason by now to not live a lie
Remember, you can't use your dog as a credible alibi. No, you can't call a doormat your little lady. Even she will catch on to your secret life
How are you aware, but still prefer to keep it in denial? How can you think we believe it is genuine when you smile
What happened so tragic to you, that you haven't changed one way, even in the slightest way, since you were a child
But I never never knew you to care about anyone, enough to be an honest guy. Remember, you can't use your dog as a pathetic alibi
No, you can't use your dog as a f*cking tool to attempt to still play her for a fool. Over her eyes, you can never pull the wool
While she continues to somehow always keep her cool, she's known in her gut from the very start, faking it daily with a broken heart
As you again attempt to sincerely deny, as you insult and belittle all that sees right through you
How are you aware, but still prefer to keep it in denial? How can you think we believe it is genuine when you smile
What happened so tragic to you, that you haven't changed one way, even in the slightest way, since you were a child
But you haven't stopped your secrets, and you continue to lie. Now your doormat's worn so thin, she's f*cking through her shelf-life
And she's felt you walk right over her when you come home late every night. She's always known you like to keep secrets like a child
How can you believe she thought you were genuine all the while
What happened so tragic to you, that you haven't changed one way, even in the slightest way, since you were a child
No, you never deserved her smile
Living life in denial