You got me out of bed this morning and you got me in last night
I guess a daddy long leg got me out, my hysteria, my squeamish fright
I like your childlike optimism, there's a charm in your awkward gait
Like me, naivety seems to be an embedded genetic mistake
You did come out of nowhere in the midnight hours last night
Ensuring we caught the same breeze and stuck together through the night
I like how you called things off immediately when she told you not to sing
I thought to myself how offended I would be if it happened to me
A man that stands up for his feelings and decides for his own self
Making what you can of every card that you've been dealt
You did come out of nowhere in the midnight hours last night
Ensuring we caught the same breeze
You don't seem to hold rage with you, nor scream victim to your circumstance
As I claim victim to Mr. Long Legs, screaming for my pants
I hope the good in you I see, pairs compatible with the good in me
I'm long overdue for a genuine link
I've gone so many years now with only unshared memories
Maybe we can continue drifting on another shared breeze