Met you in the parking lot
The sun was so bright
You did all the talkin
I didnt wan't to fight
Your smile was hot
And I looked tough
I said you wanna get out of here girl
Then we made up
Yeah those were days
When we had fun
Now the times have changed
And those days are dumb
And down in a park
A cop shined his light
Into my car
It must have been a sight
Ya know we coulda got in trouble
Breakin that curfew
Ive never been so nervous
In my birthday suit
Yeah those were the days
When we had fun
Now the times have changed
And those days are dumb
Sometimes I think about you
We were such a mess
College changed everything
We never had a chance
We broke 7 laws
Doing one sacred act
Don't be surprised if I never make it back
Yeah those were days
When we had fun
Now times have changed
Now the days are dumb
Yeah those were days
When we had fun
Now times have changed
Now the days are dumb