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Rodgers & Hammerstein's Carousel Musical Album Lyrics

Rodgers & Hammerstein's Carousel Musical Lyrics

Rodgers & Hammerstein - Carousel

[ Featuring Carousel Orchestra ]

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Copyright: Lyrics © Original Writer and Publisher

Rodgers & Hammerstein - You're A Queer One, Julie Jordan/Mister Snow

You're a Queer One, Julie Jordan
Julie, Julie! Do you like him?

I don't know.

Did you like it when he talked to you today?
When he put you on the carousel that way, did you like that?

I'd rather not say.

You're a queer one, Julie Jordan
You are quieter and deeper than a well
An' ya never tell me nothin'!

There's nothin' that I care to choose to tell

You been acting most peculiar
Every morning you're awake ahead of me
Always sittin' by the winder

I like to watch the river meet the sea

When we work in the mill, weavin' at the loom
You gaze absent-minded at the roof
And half the time your shuttle gets twisted in the threads
'Till you can't tell the warp from the woof

'Taint so

You're a queer one, Julie Jordan
You won't ever tell a body what you think
You're as tight-lipped as an oyster
And as silent as an old Sahara sphink!




Nuh-uh. Sphink.

You spell it with an "x."

That's only if there's more than one! Julie, I've been bustin' to tell you something lately.

You have?!

The reason I didn't care to tell you before is 'cause you didn't have a fella of your own. But now that you got one, I can tell you about mine!

I'm glad you gotta fella, Carrie!
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Copyright: Lyrics © Original Writer and Publisher

Rodgers & Hammerstein - If I Loved You

If I loved you
Time and again
I would try to say
All I'd want you to know

If I loved you
Words wouldn't come
In an easy way
Round in circles I'd go

Longing to tell you
But afraid and shy
I'd let my golden chances
Pass me by

Soon you'd leave me
Off you would go
In the mist of day
Never never to know
How I loved you

If I loved you
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Writer: Oscar II Hammerstein, Richard Rodgers

Rodgers & Hammerstein - June Is Bustin' Out All Over

[Nettie Fowler]
March went out like a lion
A whippin' up the water in the bay
Then April cried and stepped aside
And along come pretty little May!
May was full of promises
But she didn't keep 'em quickly enough for some
And a crowd of doubtin' Thomases
Was predictin' that the summer'd never come

[Male Ensemble]
But it's comin, by gum
We can feel it come
You can feel it in your heart
You can see it in the ground

[Female Ensemble]
You can see it in the trees
You can smell it in the breeze

[Whole Ensemble]
Look around! Look around! Look around!

[Nettie Fowler]
June is bustin' out all over
All over the meadow and the hill
Buds're bustin' outa bushes
And the rompin' river pushes
Ev'ry little wheel that wheels beside the mill

June is bustin' out all over
The feelin' is gettin' so intense
That the young Virginia creepers
Have been huggin' the bejeepers
Outta all the mornin' glories on the fence!
Because it's June!

[Ensemble + Nettie Fowler]
June, June, June
Just because it's June, June, June!

[Nettie Fowler]
Fresh and alive and gay and young
June is a love song, sweetly song

[Ensemble + Nettie Fowler]
June is bustin' out all over!
The saplin's are bustin' out with sap!
Love has found my brother, Junior
And my sister's even loonier!
And my Ma is gettin' kittenish with Pap!
June is bustin' out all over

[Nettie Fowler]
To ladies the men are payin' court
Lotsa ships are kept at anchor
Just because the captains hanker
For the comfort they can only get in port!

[Ensemble + Nettie Fowler]
Because it's June!
June, June, June
Just because it's June, June, June!

[Nettie Fowler]
June makes the bay look bright and blue
Sails gleaming white on sunlit booms

[Ensemble + Nettie Fowler]
June is bustin' out all over
The ocean is full of Jacks and Jills
With her little tail a-swishin'
Ev'ry lady fish is wishin'
That a male would come
And grab 'er by the gills!

[Nettie Fowler]
June is bustin' out all over!
The sheep aren't sheepish anymore!
All the rams that chase the ewe sheep
Are determined there'll be new sheep
And the ewe-sheep aren't even keepin' score!

[Ensemble + Nettie Fowler]
On account-a it's June! June, June, June
Just because it's June, June, June!
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Copyright: Lyrics © Original Writer and Publisher

Rodgers & Hammerstein - When The Children Are Asleep

I own a little house and I sail a little boat
And the fish I catch I sell
And in a manner of speakin'
"I'm doin' very well."
I love a little girl and she's in love with me
And soon she'll be my bride
And in a manner of speakin'
I should be satisfied

[CARRIE, spoken]
Well, ain't you?

If I told you my plans and the things I intend
It'll make ev'ry curl on your head stand on it
When I make enough money outa one of my boat
I'll put all of my money in another little boat
I'll make twice as much outa two little boats
An' the first thing you know, I'll have four little boats;
Then eight little boats, then a plenty little boats
Then a great big fleet of great big boats
All catchin' herring, bringin' into shore;
Sailin' out again, an' bringin' more
An' more, an' more, an' more!

[CARRIE, spoken]
Who's gonna eat all that herring?

[ENOCH, spoken]
They ain't gonna be herring. I'm gonna put 'em in cans
An' call 'em sardines. Aha. Gonna build a little sardine
Cannery. Then a big one, then the biggest one in the whole
Country. Oh, Carrie, I'm gonna get rich on sardines. Ah!
I mean, we're gonna get rich. You an' me an' all of us
The first year we're married
We'll have one little kid
The second year we're goin'
Have another little kid
You'll soon be donnin' socks
For eight little feet

I am not enough to another fleet!

We'll build a lot more rooms
Our dear little house will get bigger
Our dear little house will get bigger-

An' so will my figure!

[ENOCH, spoken]
Oh Carrie, can you imagine how it'll be when all the little
Kids are upstairs in their beds, and you and me sit alone
By the firelight. Me in my armchair, and you on my knee-

[CARRIE, spoken
Maybe. Maybe

When the children are asleep we sit and dream
The things that every other dad and mother dream
When the children are asleep and lights are low
If I still love you the way I love you today
You'll pardon my sayin', I told you so...
When the children are asleep, I'll dream with you
We'll think what fun we have had and be glad
That it's all came true

When the children are asleep we sit and dream

Dream all alone

The things that every other dad and mother dream

Dreams that won't be interrupted
When the children are asleep and lights are low

Hold and behold, If I still love you
The way I love you today
You'll pardon my sayin', I told you so
When the children are asleep, I'll dream with you

You'll dream with me

We'll think what fun we have had and be glad
That it's all came true!

When today is a long time ago

You'll still hear me say
That the best dream I know is you

When the children are asleep I dream with you!
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Copyright: Lyrics © Original Writer and Publisher

Rodgers & Hammerstein - Blow High, Blow Low

Blow high, blow low
A whalin' we will go
We'll go a whalin' a sailin' away
Away we'll go
Blow me high an' low
For many an' many a long long day
For many an' many a long long day!

The people who live on land
Are hard to understand
When you're lookin' for fun
They clap you into jail!
So I'm shippin' off to sea
Where life is gay an' free
An' a fella can flip a hook
In the hip of a whale

Blow high, blow low
A whalin' we will go
We'll go a whalin' a sailin' away
Away we'll go
Blow me high an' low
For many an' many a long long day
For many an' many a long long day!

It's wonderful just to feel
Your hands upon the wheel
An' listen to wind a-whistlin' in the sail
But I'm climbin' off to be
The very first to see
A chrysanthymum spout
Come out o' the snout of a whale

Blow high, blow low
A whalin' we will go
We'll go a whalin' a sailin' away
Away we'll go
Blow me high an' low
For many an' many a long long day
For many an' many a long long day!

A-rockin' upon the sea, your boat'll seem to be
Like a dear little baby in her bassinet
For she hasn't leaned to walk
An' she hasn't learned to talk
An' her little behind is kind of inclined to be wet

Blow high, blow low
A whalin' we will go
We'll go a whalin' sailin' away
Away we'll go
Blow me high an' low
For many an' many a long long day
For many an' many a long long day!
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Copyright: Lyrics © Original Writer and Publisher

Rodgers & Hammerstein - Soliloquy

[ Featuring John Raitt ]

I wonder what he'll think of me
I guess he'll call me the "old man"
I guess he'll think I can lick
Every other feller's father
Well, I can!
I bet that he'll turn out to be
The spittin' image of his dad
But he'll have more common sense
Than his puddin-headed father ever had
I'll teach him to wrestle
And dive through a wave
When we go in the mornin's for our swim
His mother can teach him
The way to behave
But she won't make a sissy out o' him
Not him! Not my boy! Not Bill!

Bill, my boy Bill
I will see that he is named after me, I will.
My boy, Bill! He'll be tall
And tough as a tree, will Bill!
Like a tree he'll grow
With his head held high
And his feet planted firm on the ground
And you won't see nobody dare to try
To boss or toss him around!
No pot-bellied, baggy-eyed bully
Will boss him around.

I don't give a hang what he does
As long as he does what he likes!
He can sit on his tail
Or work on a rail
With a hammer, hammering spikes!
He can ferry a boat on a river
Or peddle a pack on his back
Or work up and down
The streets of a town
With a whip and a horse and a hack.

He can haul a scow along a canal
Run a cow around a corral
Or maybe bark for a carousel
Of course it takes talent to do that well.

He might be a champ of the heavyweights,
Or a feller that sells you glue,
Or President of the United States,
That'd be all right, too
His mother would like that
But he wouldn't be President if he didn't wanna be!
Not Bill!

My boy, Bill! He'll be tall
And as tough as a tree, will Bill
Like a tree he'll grow
With his head held high
And his feet planted firm on the ground
And you won't see nobody dare to try
To boss him or toss him around!
No fat-bottomed, flabby-faced,
Pot-bellied, baggy-eyed bully
Will boss him around.

And I'm hanged if he'll marry his boss' daughter
A skinny-lipped virgin with blood like water
Who'll give him a peck
And call it a kiss
And look in his eyes through a lorgnette...

Hey, why am I talkin' on like this?
My kid ain't even been born, yet!
I can see him when he's seventeen or so,
And startin' to go with a girl
I can give him lots of pointers, very sound
On the way to get 'round any girl
I can tell him
Wait a minute!
Could it be?
What the hell!
What if he is a girl?
What would I do with her?
What could I do for her?
A bum with no money!
You can have fun with a son
But you gotta be a father to a girl
She mightn't be so bad at that
A kid with ribbons in her hair!
A kind o' sweet and petite
Little tin-type of her mother!
What a pair!

My little girl
Pink and white
As peaches and cream is she
My little girl
Is half again as bright
As girls are meant to be!
Dozens of boys pursue her
Many a likely lad does what he can to woo her
From her faithful dad
She has a few
Pink and white young fellers of two or three
But my little girl
Gets hungry every night and she comes home to me!

I got to get ready before she comes!
I got to make certain that she
Won't be dragged up in slums
With a lot o' bums like me
She's got to be sheltered
In a fair hand dressed
In the best that money can buy!
I never knew how to get money,
But, I'll try, I'll try! I'll try!
I'll go out and make it or steal it
Or take it or die!
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Writer: Oscar Hammerstein II, Richard Rodgers

Rodgers & Hammerstein - A Real Nice Clambake

Nettie: Dunno as I should've ate those last four dozen clams!

A girl: Now look here, Orin Peasley, you just keep your hands in your own pockets if you're so cold!

This was a real nice clambake
We're mighty glad we came
The vittles we et
Were good, you bet
The company was the same
Our hearts are warm, our bellies are full
And we are feeling prime
This was a real nice clambake
And we all had a real good timе

Fust come codfish chowdеr
Cooked in iron kettles
Onions floating on the top
Curlin' up in petals

Throw'd in ribbons of salted pork

An old New England trick

And lapped it all up with a clamshell
Tied onto a bayberry stick

Oh, this was a real nice clambake
We're mighty glad we came
The vittles we et
Were good, you bet
The company was the same
Our hearts are warm, our bellies are full
And we are feeling prime
This was a real nice clambake
And we all had a real good time

Remember when we raked them red hot lobsters
Out of the driftwood fire?
They sizzled and crackled and sputtered a song
Fittin' for an angels' choir

Fittin' for an angels
Fittin' for an angels
Fittin' for an angels choir

We slit 'em down the back and peppered 'em good
And doused 'em in melted butter

Then we tore away the claws and cracked 'em with our teeth
Cuz we weren't in the mood to putter

Fittin' for an angels
Fittin' for an angels
Fittin' for an angels choir

A guy:
Then at last come the clams

Steamed under rockweed and poppin' from their shells

Just how many of 'em galloped down our gullets
We couldn't say ourselves, oh
This was a real nice clambake
We're mighty glad we came
The vittles we et
Were good, you bet
The company was the same
Our hearts are warm, our bellies are full
And we are feeling prime
This was a real nice clambake
And we all had a real good time
We said it 'afore and we'll say it again
We all had a real good time!
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Copyright: Lyrics © Original Writer and Publisher

Carousel Orchestra - Finale Ultimo/You'll Never Walk Alone

When you walk through a storm
Keep your chin up high
And don't be afraid of the dark
At the end of a storm is a golden sky
And the sweet silver song of a lark

Walk on through the wind
Walk on through the rain
Tho' your dreams
Be tossed and blown
Walk on
Walk on
With hope in your heart
And you'll never walk alone
You'll never walk alone

When you walk through a storm
Hold your head up high
And don't be afraid of the dark
At the end of a storm is a golden sky
And the sweet silver song of a lark

Walk on through the wind
Walk on through the rain
Tho' your dreams
Be tossed and blown
Walk on
Walk on
With hope in your heart
And you'll never walk alone
You'll never walk alone
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Copyright: Lyrics © Original Writer and Publisher

Rodgers & Hammerstein - You're A Queer One, Julie Jordan/Mister Snow Reprise

You're a Queer One, Julie Jordan
Julie, Julie! Do you like him?

I don't know.

Did you like it when he talked to you today?
When he put you on the carousel that way, did you like that?

I'd rather not say.

You're a queer one, Julie Jordan
You are quieter and deeper than a well
An' ya never tell me nothin'!

There's nothin' that I care to choose to tell

You been acting most peculiar
Every morning you're awake ahead of me
Always sittin' by the winder

I like to watch the river meet the sea

When we work in the mill, weavin' at the loom
You gaze absent-minded at the roof
And half the time your shuttle gets twisted in the threads
'Till you can't tell the warp from the woof

'Taint so

You're a queer one, Julie Jordan
You won't ever tell a body what you think
You're as tight-lipped as an oyster
And as silent as an old Sahara sphink!




Nuh-uh. Sphink.

You spell it with an "x."

That's only if there's more than one! Julie, I've been bustin' to tell you something lately.

You have?!

The reason I didn't care to tell you before is 'cause you didn't have a fella of your own. But now that you got one, I can tell you about mine!

I'm glad you gotta fella, Carrie!
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Copyright: Lyrics © Original Writer and Publisher

Rodgers & Hammerstein - There's Nothin' So Bad For A Woman/What's The Use Of Wond'rin

What's the Use of Wond'rin'
Girls: Tell it to her good, Julie, tell it to her good

What's the use of wond'ring
If he's good or if he's bad
Or if you like the way he wears his hat?
Oh, what's the use of wond'ring
If he's good or if he's bad?
He's your feller and you love him
That's all there is to that

Common sense may tell you
That the ending will be sad
And now's the time to break and run away
But what's the use of wond'ring
If the ending will be sad?
He's your feller and you love him
There's nothing more to say

Something made him the way that he is
Whether he's false or true
And something gave him the things that are his
One of those things is you, so

When he wants your kisses
You will give them to the lad
And anywhere he leads you, you will walk
And anytime he needs you
You'll go running there like mad
You're his girl and he's your feller
And all the rest is talk

Billy, Billy, where you going?
Billy: Where we going?
Jigger: We're going to look for the treasure
Julie: I don't want you to, Billy, let me come with you
Jigger: No!
Julie: (feels the knife under his shirt) Billy!
Billy: I ain't got time to fool with women tonight. Come on, Jigger
Julie: Let me have that. Oh, Billy, please!

Common sense may tell you
That the ending will be sad
And now's the time to break and run away
But what's the use of wond'ring
If the ending will be sad?
He's your feller and you love him
There's nothing more to say
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Copyright: Lyrics © Original Writer and Publisher

Carousel Orchestra - Waltz Suite: Carousel

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Copyright: Lyrics © Original Writer and Publisher

Produced by The Theater Guild, Rodgers & Hammerstein's triumphant return to Broadway was their second musical collaboration, Carousel, which opened April 19, 1945 at the Majestic Theatre. John Raitt and Jan Clayton were cast as the leads. The reviews were enthusiastic across the board, and the new collaborators celebrated another box office smash that, once again, raised the standard for American musical theater. In its review, The New York Times referred to Rodgers & Hammerstein as those "who can do no wrong.” Carousel's original Broadway production would run at the Majestic Theatre for 890 performances, over two years, followed by an impressive national tour, a West End premiere, a celebrated motion picture adaptation and countless international revivals.

This recording is a re-release of all the songs sung by new artists, additional instrumentals of the complete scores from each act are included.
Genre(s): Musical theatre, show tune, Soundtrack
Released: September 13th, 2024
Year: 2024

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