Been Here Before (c) Zsuzsanaand Terry Dawson
Here I am again, standing naked in my pain
Crying out before a mirror, doesn't make it any clearer
List'nin to the lyrics of the song you wrote for me
Shiny dazzling promises - they meant the world to me
You gave me just enough, oh yeah, those love songs blinded me
I should have realized long ago I knew this melody
But I keep coming back to where I've been before
Don't remember how I came to stand in line for more
Guess they were right when they called me a whore
But it's not my body that I've sold - I gave away my soul
I've been here before
You take the cards life deals you cuz you've got to play the game
You've seen this sorry hand before but play it all the same
You move to the next table where there's no-one knows your name
But the dealer has your number and now who you gonna blame
Pain will fade and the deepest wounds heal over but the scars still lie open to the half-there lover
We're supposed to move forward - learn our life lessons - I'm not making the grade there's something I'm missin'
The scenery is different but the story's still the same...
Here I am again, standing naked in my pain
Crying out before a mirror, doesn't make it any clearer
But I keep coming back to where I've been before
Don't remember how I came to stand in line for more
Guess they were right when they called me a whore
But it's not my body that I've sold - I gave away my soul.
Yeah, I've been here before -
And you keep coming back to where you've been before
Don't remember how you came to stand in line for more
Guess they were right when they called you a whore
But it's not your body that you sold - you gave away your soul.